I recently learned about a global initiative called Plastic Free July, which encourages individuals to dedicate the month of July to become aware of their plastic use than taking steps to reduce and ultimately eliminate their personal plastic pollution. Starting July 1st, I will be sharing content on Instagram (@macailab13) and centering the Tuesday blog posts on how we can reduce our plastic usage while understanding how to create the lifestyle change which supports being plastic-free. I hope you’ll join me in taking part in this challenge and encourage others to participate!
Why I’m Participating in Plastic Free July:
I’ve decided to participate in Plastic Free July because I want to continue learning how I can be responsible for positively impacting my community and the planet. I believe we all have a part to play in combating environmental waste and the power of change resides with us. I’m looking forward to learning more tools, resources, and connecting with others participating in the challenge who will encourage the lifestyle change. While I know of some ways to approach going plastic-free, it is not my specialty and I’m thrilled to be learning more tips and tricks. I’m also participating in Plastic Free July so I can apply the knowledge gathered from this challenge and translate it to a project I’m working on that is encouraging businesses to do good better. I think that companies have an incredible reach and amount of impact. If I can communicate my learnings with the companies/ industry leaders I’m working with and have them implement the principles in Plastic Free July, I believe there will be a major shift.
How To Join:
Join 326 million other people across the world and signup to take the free challenge, here.
Browse the guides and resources listed on the website.
Connect with others in the community on social media and learn from the additional resources they share.
Apply what you’re learning through the challenge to your daily life/routine!