I love this time of the year. The leaves are changing colors and there’s a chill in the air that inspires me. As the season changes, I want to set a few goals to help me make the most of this time. Without further ado, here are my fall goals!

1. Create A List Of Fall-Themed Activities & Do Them

Splashed across my feed are lists and suggestions for fall themed activities. I’ve book marked so many. Now, I need to sit down, review them, and make a plan!

2. Go To A Pumpkin Smashing

A few years ago I went to a local pumpkin smashing event. I hadn’t heard of this before and loved the initiative to responsibly dispose of pumpkins. Click here to watch the reel of my pumpkin smash experience or read this blog post!

3. Make A Vegan Chili Recipe

Chili and tomato soup are two dishes that are the Bain of my existence. I can never get them quite right. But, this year I’m determined to try a new chili recipe and make it vegan. Feel free to send me all the good vibes and any of your favorite secret ingredients.

4. Host A Community Environmental Event

On October 21st I hosted a virtual lunch and learn event about sustainable email marketing. I revived amazing feedback from attendees. The event was fun to plan, insightful, and made a difference. Before fall ends, I’d like to plan and host another one.

5. Audit My Clothes

Over the summer I audited my warmer weather wardrobe. It was a great experience and helped me better understand what clothes I regularly wear and why. Plus, I was able to donate the items that were unworn. Since this supported me last season, I want to do it again this season. Plus, I feel like I still have so many clothes that I don’t wear.

6. Research Sustainably-Made Ballet Clothing Companies

I restarted ballet and a few other dance classes this fall. I purchased our dance uniform from my local studio and would like to learn about what sustainable brands exists. Specifically for tights. I go through those a bit fast (they tear easily). I’d also like to see what alternatives there are for sustainably made leotards.

7. Sign Up For A Volunteer Day

I started a volunteer day with some friends and we’re aiming to spend a few hours every month serving our community. I’m excited to kickoff the group in November and sign up for a volunteer day. We just need to decide on where!

8. Plan A Neighborhood Clean Up Day

It’s been pretty windy here lately… but, I shouldn’t be surprised since I live in the “Windy City”. With the increased wind, there has been trash blowing around my neighborhood. I want to plan a proper clean up day, where I go around my block and the surrounding area to clean up any liter I see.

You Might Like: 5 Tips For Your Next Neighborhood Cleanup Day

Now that you’ve learned about my fall goals, what are yours? Leave them in the comment section, below!

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