Hi Friends!
I hope you had a lovely weekend. The weather is warming up and that means we’re one day closer to summer!
This weekend there were bags given to the units in my apartment complex, with the goal of putting an end to hunger in the community. The AARP Foundation included foods they are in need of at the bottom of each bag. A few of those goods included: soup, pasta, peanut butter, and other non-perishable meals/ snacks. I was surprised to see that these bags were left at my door. I wasn’t expecting someone to take action to fight this world issue by leaving a bag at my door. I was caught off guard because we can so easily overlook and ignore those in need and people can tend to turn the other away from someone in their time of need, simply because it’s easy or they do not understand their problem. This way of fighting hunger was not only inspiring, but fun! I loved that someone gave me the chance to help another person out.
I noticed that I was the only one who took advantage of this opportunity in my building. The other 7 units and some of the surrounding buildings chose not to participate in this. At first I was upset that people couldn’t take two minutes to look through their cabinets and fill up the bag. As I was thinking about it, my frustration went away. I realized that this makes it even more special and meaningful having few people donate food. It only takes one person or group willing to make a difference. It is so easy to get lost in the crowd and follow the rhythm of another’s drum. The challenging part is deciding to go against what everyone else is doing- or in this case, not doing.
I’ve challenged myself to make weekly donations to those in need of food. Here’s how I’m going to doing it:
-Utilizing the donation bin at Trader Joe’s. They have a giant bin for people to bring in non-perishables or purchase ones from the store and leave for those struggling.
-Filling up a bag and donating it to my local food pantry.
I’d love for you to add this into your weekly routine, too!
This Week’s Challenge
Help put an end to world hunger by donating food to those in need. The amount of items donated isn’t what matters. Rather, it is the action of taking the time to help others that matters most.