We all have those stressful and anxiety filled days. They suck. If you’re having one right now or feel in your bones one coming along based on the boatload of work you have to do, there’s no need to fret- I’ve got your back. Here are five things we can all do to relieve stress and anxiety in our lives. While these things aren’t a one and done for anxiety or stress, they make those moments more manageable and less overwhelming. All of these can be done from the comfort of your home and cost zero dollars. Yes, that’s right zero- they’re free. Some of these ideas (numbers 2, 3 and 5) can even be done at work or school/ in public. Try these out and let me know what you think!

1. A warm shower or bath

Why not pop a face mask on while you’re reading this post. There are many at home DIY face masks you can do with ingredients most people already have at home- Google it! I’m guessing you have at least one of the ingredients to make your own mask tonight. 


2. Reading

Reading a book is scientifically proven to help calm us down from our day-to-day and work/ school related stress. It’s nice to give the mind a break and dive into a story having nothing to do with our lives and can take us on a mental vacation. 


3. Listen to calming music

This doesn’t have to be classical by any means, if you’re not into that kind of vibe. Create a “chill” or “calming” playlist to listen to at night or when you’re feeling stressed. 

These are a few of my favorite Spotify playlists I created:

Peace + Clarity | Ocean

Peace + Clarity | Rain

Meditation + Calm


4. Yoga 

Don’t worry, there is no previous yoga experience required. Google “5 minute calming yoga routines” or simply hop over to YouTube and follow along.

These are a few of my favorite routines:

Yoga Poses To De-stress

Yoga For Anxiety and Stress

Stress Melt- 26 Minute Yoga Break | Yoga With Adriene

Yoga For Stress Relief- 7 Minute Practice


5. Write

You don’t have to think of yourself as a “writer”. Get out a sheet of paper and write down what comes to mind. This can be in bullet points, paragraphs, story form, a journal entry or something entirely different. Even a combo of those! The point is writing is proven to be calming and help people unwind and can even help with falling asleep. Writing/ journaling helps to calm and clear the mind, making things feel less busy and overwhelming. 

What is your go to thing for anxiety and stress relief ? Let me know in the comment section, below


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