I’m proud to announce my involvement with The Jersey Good Business Charter, “an initiative that highlights, celebrates, and encourages the contribution of businesses in Jersey to building a better community and a better world.” I am working as part of the core team on a project to be released in Autumn of 2021. Before I jump into explaining, I’m going to include the press release so you’re in the know about what I’m referring to.
Building A Better Community & A Better World
What is the Jersey Good Business Charter?
“The Charter is a standard of excellent business practice for companies with a substantial presence in the island of Jersey. We operate independent of government and as a not-for-profit entity, drawing expertise on an honourary basis from the business community. The standards and criteria of the Charter have been developed with reference to the ISO 2600 Guidance on Social Responsibility and the UN Global Compact.
The Charter is awarded to businesses that can demonstrate their commitment to enhancing their positive contribution and responsibility to:
Positive contributions to the local community and to Jersey society
Fair and decent employment practices
Awareness of environmental issues and commitment to environmental sustainability
Commitment to fair and decent relationship with suppliers and business partners
Open, honest and proactive relationships to customers and stakeholders”
For Jersey-based individuals who aren’t attached to a business, such as, retirees, students, freelancers, consultants, or those whose company is not interested in the pursuit of ethics and social responsibility, The Charter has a Good Business Network available to join—click here.
Coming This Autumn
The Jersey Good Business Charter is excited to announce a unique endeavour in collaboration with various businesses on the island. All with the aim to support and benefit the Jersey business community as a whole.HSBC, Rowlands Recruitment, Affinity Private Wealth, and JPRestaurantshave come together, in partnership with The Jersey Good Business Charter, to commission qualitative research towards the publishing of a report that reflects on and challenges, the culture, and priorities of the Jersey business community. The report focuses on the relations of sustainability, ethical investment, good business, and environmental and social governance within business. The Charter’s report aims to provide objective data surrounding the shift in the corporate culture. It will map out practical advice, outline the potential of collaboration, and support organisations with objectives aligned with the Jersey Good Business Charter. Research will take place over the Summer with the report being launched Autumn 2021
Click here to view the original release.
What This Means:
It’s an honor to be a part of the core team–alongside Elysia Willis, Simon Nash, and Paul Milbank–working to develop this report. I’m pleased to offer my skill set and experience to support a project and The Charter, as they are built on the ethos I base my life around. I wholeheartedly believe that we need to break down the barrier of social issues and create a more ethical and socially responsible business culture. This past year I have had the opportunity to work alongside and get to know a few Jersey-based companies/brands and understand that the Jersey people are questioning how they can bring ethics into business. The shift in business is apparent in Jersey and the island is showcasing how important it is for corporations and brands to take part in the conversation.
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The Jersey Good Business Charter’s report will be an enjoyable piece of information providing practical advice, outline potential collaboration, and support organizations with objectives aligned with The Charter. We are formatting this report for user experience and readability. Meaning, we are creating this report so others aside from business majors or scientist can see the change and participate in the conversation/movement.
The report will cover these major areas:
1) The relations of sustainability
2) Ethical investment
3) Good business
4) Environmental and social governance within business
Give The Jersey Good Business Charter’s page a follow (click here) to be notified when the report is released this Autumn. In the meantime, I invite you to join in on the conversations we’re starting. Visit the website, here and if you’re a business in Jersey, register your interest here. Together, we’re aiming to make great business good!