Use these tips to help you make decisions that are more environmentally friendly on how to avoid plastic in the grocery store. Give this post a like and subscribe to the email list to be notified when I publish part 2!

How To Avoid Plastic In The Grocery Store

Throughout the month of July, I will be sharing on Instagram and TikTok, tips on how to use less plastic.

A stack of water melons at the grocery store, with green and white text blocked out over it, saying, how to avoid plastic in the grocery store part one. A small illustration of a grocery bag with vegetables sticking out  is below the text.

Tip 1: Bring Your Own Bags

These don’t have to be fancy aesthetic ones—you can bring saved plastic grocery bags from previous trips with you, use a backpack, or any other comfortable and sturdy bag you already own.

Tip 2: Explore Your Options

Look for fruit and veggies that aren’t placed in plastic packaging or netting.

Tip 3: Avoid Plastic Produce Bags

If you don’t have produce bags, still skip putting your produce and veggies in a plastic bag—this includes saying “no” to the Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods “recycled plastic” bags. Even though it’s recycled, this is still a single-use plastic item that we don’t 100% need. Our fruits and veggies will be washed anyway, let’s avoid plastic waste. so why add another step in packing, unpacking, and increasing waste?

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Tip 4: Bring Containers

If your store allows, bring in containers to stock up on the trail mix, dried fruits, coffee, and oatmeal sections. You’ll use less plastic and avoid any extra fees that you may be charged by using the store’s packaging.

Tip 5: Choose The Options With Less Plastic

Instead of buying individual milk, juice, yogurt, or other items, choose the bulk option and a larger container. When you get home, you can separate these into single servings, if needed.

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