Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
— Proverbs‬ ‭31:30‬

I used to care quite a bit about my appearance- more than I should have, if I’m honest. A few years ago I was so focused on outward beauty I didn’t realize I was becoming ugly. When I say “ugly” I’m not saying I mirrored a wrench. I was spiritually ugly. I spent more time selecting my outfit, straightening my hair and applying makeup than I did with God. I didn’t see how my idea of beauty was consuming my life and becoming my idol.⠀


After drifting SO far away from God and not recognizing myself when I looked in the mirror, I realized what I needed all along to truly become beautiful was a deeper relationship with the Lord. Yes, I believed in God and went to church but being a Christ follower is more than showing up to sing songs and listen to a message once a week. That me wasn’t bringing my worries to God anymore. The Macaila back then didn’t thank God for all of the blessings received. I wasn’t prioritizing Him and I certainly didn’t fear Him like the verse says.

Someday when I’m old and wrinkly, what will fulfill me is not going to be my looks. What will truly make me happy is the content I have in the Lord. The verse says “a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”. Ladies, caution yourselves. Not only can the ideology of beauty become dangerous, but the idea of being “praised” is too. Check your intentions. Make sure they TRULY align with God’s and not yours. It’s okay to recognize these flaws. It’s okay to struggle with these issues. It’s not okay to ignore scripture and distort God’s image of beauty or replace our relationship with Him with something as fleeting as beauty and attention. It’s okay to wear makeup. It’s okay to want to feel beautiful. It’s okay to want to be recognized. It’s not okay to focus and solely seek these things.


  1. I really like this. I think another important thing to remember is that it’s okay to like make up and wear it, but make up should be used to enhance the features that God gave you. Make up is often used in attempt to make someone "prettier." We need to remember that God created us perfectly. We can use make up because we enjoy it or as a creative outlet but don’t use it to hide God’s work. (aseriesofwonders.wordpress.com)

  2. I really like this. I think another important thing to remember is that it’s okay to like make up and wear it, but make up should be used to enhance the features that God gave you. Make up is often used in attempt to make someone "prettier." We need to remember that God created us perfectly. We can use make up because we enjoy it or as a creative outlet but don’t use it to hide God’s work. (aseriesofwonders.wordpress.com)

  3. I really like this. I think another important thing to remember is that it’s okay to like make up and wear it, but make up should be used to enhance the features that God gave you. Make up is often used in attempt to make someone "prettier." We need to remember that God created us perfectly. We can use make up because we enjoy it or as a creative outlet but don’t use it to hide God’s work. (aseriesofwonders.wordpress.com)

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